Monday, November 2, 2009

Enjoying where we are on the way to where we are going...that's the rest of the world by the way for those who haven't heard us squeal! x

10 weeks and counting!!That’s right, 10 weeks until Laura and Jenn set out on the second Soultouch trip! The second soultouch journey however has long begun. The summer was a time jam packed with preparation for both of us in many ways. Jenn spent the summer in Ireland working with children affected by serious illness, learning and growing in ways she never thought possible every day. Back in Scotland Laura was busy organising and holding several fundraising events to raise money to fund the trip and raising support throughout the St. Andrews church community, friends and family.

But now we are back together in Scotland we are slowly but surely seeing the trip becoming a reality! Vaccinations are being given, funds are being raised and ever organised Laura has even started collecting the things she will be packing (Jenn however is waiting for Laura to organise this for her as she is a terrible last-minute packer which may not suit such a mammoth trip!). However, flights still need booked before final dates for visits can be confirmed, but this is in the process of happening and will hopefully be done soon so we can get in touch with all the beautiful hosts we will be visiting!

We are both so excited for the trip to start, and although we are currently running around like headless chickens trying to organise everything right now, we both strongly believe it is all completely within the will of God and can see blessings at every stumbling point. We feel so very grateful for all the prayers we know we receive from so many amazing people supporting soultouch, and we know that this will take us much further than any amount of money ever could.

We therefore want to thank all of you who are prying for and supporting us in our work and ask you to please continue to do so as without this soultouch would be nothing. As if 4 squeeling, crazy, ditzy young girls could find their way to the local shop, let alone around the world if it wasn’t for being carried by their Father! We will be posting much more regular updates on our progress with preparations up until we leave in January, from which point the tales of long smelly bus journeys will no doubt begin!!

Thanks again

Jenn and Laura
Soultouch 2010

PS. Forgot to say, we will be doing a 10 mile sponsored walk for soultouch on 14th Nov. and if anyone would like to sponsor us they can do so online at;

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

weeheee, its not long now girls. phew!! I can hardly believe it.

Hope the walk goes well on Saturday I wont be there but will be praying and thinking about you.

Your both such Soul Touch warriors, love you to bits
