Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Leaving Guatemala

Hi folks, a bit late here but just wanted to fill you in on the work we were doing while in Guatemala. It really was a crazy busy and wonderful experience for Jenn and I. Like I mentioned in my previous blog we spent most afternoons working at The Lords Kitchen, but we also had the opportunity to visit a few more projects. One of which was the amazing project the Gyseppi runs (mentioned in Jenn’s previous blog). This man is a complete legend. Ha has the warmest face and sparlky eyes and is so in love with God! He has the biggest heart for the people on the streets and in particular the children.
Gyseppi sends a bus out every morning to pick up the children on the streets and bring them in for warm breakfast, after that they attend lessons in the school which Gyseppi has set up and funds himself, with God’s provision of course!
The children break midmorning for another snack and back for more classes, before Gyseppi’s bus drops them back with their parents they are fed lunch.
As if that wasn’t enough, Gyseppi heads back out to pick up another 50 older children, these are the ones who have to work for their parents in the morning.
Three evenings a week Gyseppi heads out on the streets to 9 destinations with sandwiches, soup and coffee for the parents of the children attending his school. Gyseppi begins the evening with a word from God, an encouraging story to show the people how valued they are by God and how loved they are.
By the way - yes I am his biggest fan!
We had the chance to visit the school and were out a few evenings with his team. It was great to be in amongst all that he is doing on the streets and the school was a definite highlight for Jenn and i.
On our last night with gyseppi he came to thank us for our time with him. Jenn and I were shocked when he told us he had learned a lot from us... eh?! This is just an example of how completely humble this man is! We were the one’s learning from his amazingly generous heart!
We spent the other two weekends visiting the sister church of Shekinah and a breakfast and afterschool club run by a family in the congregation.

In Shekinah we visited the childrens church which takes place on a Saturday and hosts about 300 children.
After the church we took some of the teenagers for a Ceilidh lesson which they were due to perform the following morning during the Sunday service. That afternoon we went to the Pastor’s house who taught me how to make chicharron (similar to pork scratching, but these one’s were made with chicken skin).
The following morning the young people performed their dance, and did a spectacular job! After that there was a guest speaker from the States who delivered a healing service which was amazing to see!

Later that week we left to visit Rodolfo and Evelyn at the breakfast club they have set up, this was a good hour from home so we had to leave very early. We arrived in time to serve over 90 children breakfast before painting one of the rooms in the house that had been acquired by Rodolfo and Evelyn for the childrens club they run. The house is perfect and has huge grounds
for games with the children in the good weather. The club is run by one man, Fester and a team of volunteers. Rodolfo and Evelyn both work full time so they can support the club financially. We spent the next couple of days working with them and attending their childrens church which runs on a Saturday morning.
Our final day in Guatemala had been set aside for a trip to Antigua, it’s a beautiful place and we had an amazing day there. In the evening we stopped off at the church for a quick baptism before heading home to pack.
Laura <><

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