Thursday, August 30, 2007

Fame Beckons

Friday night was an amazing night for us although slightly surreal I must day. Have you ever heard of the artist Mesach Semakula? No, well neither had we but we most definitely know who this gentleman is now. Since arriving in Uganda some five weeks ago Lorna and I have had the unfortunate experience of using a boda boda everyday! Although slightly exhilarating the first time we hoped on one of these crazy little scooters the excitement soon wore off and now being ripped off daily by wee Ugandan Boda drivers who wish to make a quick buck from the muzungus (white people) has lost its appeal. As we weave through busy traffic holding on for dear life (even the black people here get white knuckles from these rides!) we often comment on the people we see, the cars we often scrape past, hotties you know the usual stuff. We also didn’t fail to notice the thousands of posters plastered all over the city with Mesach Semakula’s face staring out at us. We actually asked people about it because we thought it was strange that this one person seemed to be so popular. Now, we were told that Mesach is a huge star here and that the reason for the publicity was that he was going to be releasing his new album and so this was the build up to it. Neither of us though any more about it (well at least I know I didn’t, who knows what goes on in the Main’s head) that was until we heard some of the children at DP (Dwelling Places) mention his name. I, being the dizzy blonde that I am, didn’t actually put the “musician” the children were talking about with the face on the poster but Lorna keeps me right and so she told me that, that was who the children were talking about.

Anyway, it turned out that this big star is a supporter of DP. I don’t really know the details of whether or not he supports them financially or what, nor did I ask. I didn’t really have time because before I knew it we were backstage getting the children ready to go on and perform. Yes that’s right. He chose our children, “the lucky ones” to be one of the opening acts at his big launch. Needless to say it was an amazing evening. The children were so, so hyper meeting one of the biggest stars in Uganda and Lorna and I, well we were just happy that so many people got to hear and see how wonderful they are.

Lots of love and then some Erica xxx

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