Sunday, November 18, 2007

Back in Business! (Well Thailand Actually!)

Last night I sat for about two hours trying to describe what life has been like for Lorna and I over the past few weeks. I attempted to describe the pain in my booty when the nurse in India mistakenly thought it was a pin cushion; how by day and by night my bed in hospital was literally guarded by angels (Rob, Lorna, Raj and Phil- well from a distance) who sang, prayed and looked after me until they eventually released me (no it wasn’t a metal institution I was in but the hospital did drive us all a bit doolally). I think I even took on the relentless task of describing my symptoms incase any of you medics out there could diagnose the unknown fever I contracted; contrary to what I was told in India I refuse to believe there is such a thing as “chickentitus”. To be honest what I was writing probably wasn’t all that funny but in short it was a summary of events. So you can imagine my frustration this morning when, in an attempt to escape the soaring hot sun toasting the holiday makers outside, I came in only to find that they’ve “leeset the comp-pooters sowee”!

Let’s just say this particular soul toucher’s pink skin (I forgot to tell you mum I got a wee bity sun burnt but nothing to worry about.) went a brighter shade of pink…but only for a sec! “Leeseting” the “comp-pooter” has actually been a godsend.

First and foremost it’s saved you all reading the gorey details of my “chickentitus” (for those of you who don’t know about my hospital saga I was ill in India but I’m all better now thanks to Lorna, Robert, Phil, Raj, Vani, Captain Thacker ‘n’ a whole host of other angels who looked after me and prayed for me during that horrible time). It also reminded me that there is no need to focus on the tedious details of my illness or the fact we were deported on our first arrival to India; although these events seem to have boosted the profile of Soul Touch somewhat. It would appear that everybody loves a drama! Well you’ve come to the right place because God has well and truly created to Drama Queens n the best thing about it is that he’s in the business of sending them around the world “right about now”!

The truth is India was a whole lot more than Visa offices and dull hospital wards. India was a place of discovery. We spent time discovering lots about ourselves; our capabilities (and disabilities). About the world of religion and how when Jesus said we would be persecuted for our faith he really did mean it. The first morning we arrived we read a psalm in church (Raj perhaps you could enlighten me I can’t remember the exact verse but I think it was Psalm 14) It spoke about how men have turned away from God. They worship false God and idols. It was at this point that we first discovered the strength and courage of Raj, Vani, Sebastian, Caption Thacker and all the others who are so determined to live for Jesus despite the fact they are literally surrounded by men who do worship idols. They offer people hope in a place where today people are still sacrificing children and idolizing cows.

Whilst visiting a local hospital in the jungle area of Dindigal we discovered what to do when placed a room of one hundred female nursing staff in the final stages of their training. No we didn’t run out! We did what we did best. We talked…and talked…and talked. About the most exciting topic we could think of…yes you guessed it: the gospel! Really it is amazing how God sustains you and gives you the recourses you need even in the most surreal an unexpected situations.

Dindigal was also a place of discovery for another two (much more inspirational) women whom we had the privileged of meeting. When we were told we were being sent to the jungle Lorna and I prayed. Well that’s not entirely true the first thing we did was scream (yes we’ve not changed that much) then we packed (all the essentials: bug spray, bug spray, more bug spray and mosquito repellant). Then we prayed. As you know we have been to some of the most remote and desperate places in the world yet it has not been fully revealed to us exactly why we are being sent to them and we pray daily (hourly, minutely) about what God wants us to do with the information we are gathering, the stories we are hearing and the desperate situations we are witnessing. We know that on our own there is very little we can do but we are trusting that this blog is powerful (yeah you know it is or you wouldn’t keep reading it. Not because of what we are writing or who we are but because of what God is doing) and that with your involvement and God’s guidance we can change things for these children.

So let me tell you a little bit about what we discovered. The children come from the jungle and live in tribes, amongst the animals. When we interviewed them they told us of how they are “friends” with the animals and there is no need to fear them. Their parents have grown to trust the women and are eager to send more of their children however at the moment there is no room and they cannot financially afford to look after anymore than the eighty they already have. The best bit of the day for me was listening to the children talk about their futures. How they want to become doctors; teachers; missionaries. They can imagine a future now they no longer suffer the disease they were susceptible to in the jungle, or at least they have access to medical are and an education.

Do you know I’m actually struggling to even articulate how exciting it was for us to be there. First of all to be in such a beautiful place and secondly to express the gratitude we felt towards all those who continue daily to love these children, serve them and care for them.

This is something I scribbled in my journal on the way down the mountain! I think it says exactly what I discovered that particular day!

I saw Jesus today.
I’ve been searching, asking to see his face.
I met him in the mountains
His awesomeness filled the place.
He suspended a cloud, hung it gracefully over the sun.
His face reflected in the water
Reminding me of the victory he’s won.

I tried to capture it in a photo; pen a verse
Desperate for you to see it too
But nothing can contain the wonder of what he’s done for me and you.
God is at work in India he’s called you to be part
To listen to the children’s stories
Of how they’re living in the dark.

Between braches they rest their sleepy heads and the leaves are their nutrition.
Yes we’re talking in the 21st century.
God knows you’re in a position
To help or at least to continue the work that God’s already begun
He loves these children too
For him he sent his son.

He took us to the children there.
He has heard their prayers!
In the darkness of their hiding places
He’s shown them that he cares.
That people all around the world will hear that they exist
He’s sending messengers to tell their story
Making sure they are not missed.

“Show me God what we can do”
I pondered for a while
And there I saw the answer
Written in her smile.

He is written on their faces
In the testimonies they give,
As they whisper revealing to this stranger
about where they used to live.

Of how their hair grew long
Teeth plaqued; their bodies unclean
For these were forgotten children
The world had never seen.

Until our sisters braved to go there, sent by God above
To give them hope and a future to show them (practically) God’s love.
They ventured in to territory unknown to civilization
They carried no spear to protect them,
Only the revelation:
That God has a plan for each and every child
He listens when we cry
So maybe we can’t change the world but I now that we can try.
That God’s raising a generation
Of people who will acknowledge him.
Every tongue in every nation.
Will confess he is Goodness. He is love. He is King.

That without him we live in darkness
Like wild animals we continue to roam
He’s called the children from the jungle.
Listen he’s calling you home.

Ask to see his face
To be a part, to make a difference.
You no longer need to read this or watch only form a distance.
Get involved is what I’m trying to say
I should have penned that at the start
So we’ll continue to pray that you
In this discovery you will always be a part.

So know we’re in Thailand. Recovering! Not only from my hospital trip but also from everything we have been discovering over the past five months. It’s been amazing. We hope you are enjoying it too although our suntans are bound to be slightly better than yours!

We love you all…and then some! The Soul Touchers in Thailand

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