Thursday, May 27, 2010

‘for many are called but few are chosen’. Matthew 22:14

So as Jenn mentioned in a previous blog we’re now working on completely separate projects. This makes meal times a LOT more interesting as we don’t have to tell each other stories of what we’ve just experienced together.

I’m in the PR office, which involves making PowerPoint presentations for some staff members to take with them on upcoming visits to the UK and America. It’s looking likely that the team will be in Bo’ness on Friday 10th September, so get it in your diary and head along to see my amazing PowerPoints!!! Only joking! But seriously head along to hear what these fantastic ladies have got to share about the work of Dwelling Places.

The really fun part of my job is at Henrietta’s, this is a café which has been turned into a youth training centre for the time being. The Youth Rebuilders is a pilot scheme for young people who have recently left full time education, but haven’t begun work. The young folks spend their morning working on computer skills, entrepreneurship etc and in the afternoon are involved in craft sessions. They also work a farm which I am yet to visit.

I have been trusted to run a 45minute discipleship session for a group of about 15 young people (18-25) Tuesday to Friday. Last week I was working with Lynn (our housemate) but started on my own yesterday as Lynn has returned to her regular position teaching in a local primary school.

So I have years of experience in youth work, but this is an older group, they’re nearly ages with me! And they are also completely inspiring and awesome!!! (Samuel mentioned in Jenn’s ‘Every Teeny Finger Counts’ blog is one of my youths… just to give you an idea of exactly how inspiring they actually are!) So I felt very, very nervous at the thought of preparing sessions for them.

Anyway, after some praying and planning I had a session. We planned a wedding for a friend, brother or sister in groups and discussed why it should be a special day. I then asked the group to think about that day, and how they would feel if no one turned up. They were all shocked and I could see the devastation and anger on their faces at only the thought. I then went on to read to them from Matthew 22 when Jesus compares the kingdom of heaven to a wedding feast that the King has organised for His son but his guests don’t come. The king then sends out his servants to bring people from the street; who attend. When the king arrives he finds one man not suitably dressed for a wedding and has his servants take him away. (That’s the story in a nutshell – but you should check your bible for a more accurate account!)

We discussed the parallels of the story, Jesus is the son, God the king and discussed the appropriate dress for the wedding God is talking about. Which by the way isnae a kilt! It seems to be that we should be clothed in righteousness, which we decided as a group meant loving your enemy as you love yourself, being patient and kind and following God’s law. So now that I’ve accepted the initial invite, all I have to do is clothe myself with righteousness? Sounds easy, eh?!

As usual, when working with young people I am constantly learning, and being challenged and have now made a mental note to myself, to always bear in mind that with God’s invitation comes the responsibility to accept, show up, AND to have the right(eous) attitude.

Laura x

1 comment:

Lorna Herrera said...

Laura thats really great!! You guys are totally gaining skills at Soul Touch God Acadamy!! Just to let you know that you guys are in mine and Diego's prayers - you are doing a great job seriously!! Much love and blessings xxxxx