It was a public holiday today in Uganda so the Dwelling Places offices were closed and the kids were all off school. Lynn (brilliant northern Irish girl we are living with) has been trying to set up a library system in the home the past few weeks with the few books that have been donated to the kids. So we headed up with her today to have a kind of “book day” in the home. Lynn had suggested we have
3 different stations and the kids could move round them spending 20 minutes at each. So, Laura was reading to them, Lynn was creating stories with them and I was getting them to write a book review of the books they have been reading by making up a newspaper front cover that summarised the story as a headline story. Meanwhile Canadian Laura was busy keeping the smaller children entertained with chalks.
I am constantly going on and on to Laura about how education is everything and kids like these need education as much as possible, so I thought the book day was a good idea but I was a little apprehensive that they might not feel the same, as I seem to remember books being the last thi
ng on my mind when I had a day off school, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. They all absolutely loved it, and the grounds of the home became completely silent as the air filled with the sense of concentration. It was just so gorgeous to see their faces light up at being given a challenge, and also made me really remember how big a difference even one little book can make in a child’s life. It’s so easy for us to throw out our old things wondering who would want them, but I’m telling you, these kids (like thousands of others) would
be only too delighted to receive them! The longer we are away the worse I feel for always moaning at school and the more grateful I am for our education system in Scotland. It’s something the kids here literally dream about. As I would dream of running through African fields as a small child, they were dreaming about owning a book and maybe even their own set of pencils.
After we finished up with the book activities we managed to catch one of the original Soul Touchers Miss Erica Bonnar and her Soul Touch fundraising group on skype at the school she teaches at in Stirling. This group of brilliant passionate teens have been having several fundraisers for Soul Touch linked projects (particularly Uganda) and have been showing brilliant results. These teens all take time out of the lunches every week to meet together and plan different events on top of their school work. It was great for them to talk to some of the Dwelling Places kids, and for both groups to learn more about the cultural differences (I think the group in Stirling now have a new appreciation for washing machines after hearing the alternative!). It’s so important that our young people all over the world can connect up so they can learn the simple things about each
other that make all the difference in their lives. You definitely don’t need to be in Africa to make a difference to African people, but I can promise that the motivation and fire to make a difference in these young people will blaze a lot stronger now they have met the people that own the lives their actions are changing! How cool to directly see the huge difference a simple school fundraiser can make, to literally save and change lives. Just think what might happen if we all chose to follow the example of these youth!
Jenn x
I am constantly going on and on to Laura about how education is everything and kids like these need education as much as possible, so I thought the book day was a good idea but I was a little apprehensive that they might not feel the same, as I seem to remember books being the last thi
After we finished up with the book activities we managed to catch one of the original Soul Touchers Miss Erica Bonnar and her Soul Touch fundraising group on skype at the school she teaches at in Stirling. This group of brilliant passionate teens have been having several fundraisers for Soul Touch linked projects (particularly Uganda) and have been showing brilliant results. These teens all take time out of the lunches every week to meet together and plan different events on top of their school work. It was great for them to talk to some of the Dwelling Places kids, and for both groups to learn more about the cultural differences (I think the group in Stirling now have a new appreciation for washing machines after hearing the alternative!). It’s so important that our young people all over the world can connect up so they can learn the simple things about each
Jenn x
hey laura and jen and all the beautiful children in Dwelling Places! It was great to speak to you all this morning! We had so much fun. Your smiles and your song really made us so happy!
We've been really busy today learning about Soul Touch and there are lots of new people in the group so it was great for them to meet who we've been raving about!
Everyone has lots of fundraising ideas and even the boys are working hard to learn about soul touch and thinking about ideas to fundraising for the Dwelling Plases children. One of the boys ideas was to hold a football tournament!!
we love you all and hopefully we can speak again tommorow
from Ainslie xx
Heyy Guys At Dwelling places
Hope you are all well and having a good time. I really enjoyed talking to you on the webcam yesterday and when the children sung the song I swear it brought tears to my eyes.:D:D
I thought the children were beautiful and had such good manners.! It was sooo cutee when they called Miss Bonnar Auntie Erica.x:P:):).....!!!!
The soul touch have been extremely busy over the past week to make letters and draw pictures to send out to the children.x:D:D
Looking forward to speaking to you again and hope you are feeling the same.x
Byeee Guysssss..x:L:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Lovee Youu all sooooooooo Muchh.x<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Hi, am Laura,I an part of tha soul touch group at Wallace High.I really enjoy raising money for you guys, and I really enjoyed talking to everyone on the web cam yesterday.I want to say you really inspired me, by showing no matter where you are there is always hope for the future.
I just want to say I think you are all lovely an are amazing singers and can't wait to talk to everyone later.
bye for now xxx
Hey Jen and Laura AND all the children at Dwelling Places! I really enjoyed speaking to you all yesterday, hearing the childrens song put a smile on my face for the whloe day!!
My name is Nataleigh and i am part of the Soul Touch Group at Wallace High. Yesterday we were on skype and i am writing to say that i really enjoyed talking to both of you and all the children.
We were all talking and discussing about a bunch of fundraising ideas yesterday and a lot of them are being discussed further for exanple... the boys you saw on the wedcam yesterday have came up with the idea of a football tournament so we have high hopes that we will raise money for all the childern.
Hope to speak to you all soon! xx
We love you all!
From Nataleigh xx
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