This disco ball image has spun (couldn't´t resist!) in my head all day today; as we said our final Adios to friends in Argentina; as we flew to Brazil and now more than ever, while having dinner with Pedro and Analia in Sao Paulo. Pedro shares some of his insight and passion for youth ministry here in Sao Paulo. Although we will never be able to encompass God´s multifaceted, holistic view of the world I believe that more and more he is enabling us and connecting us so that we can at least share in a fraction of the revolution that is taking place - in truth I think that its just as well as it´s about as much as we (or at least I) can handle at anyone time.
As he talks, sharing about his involvement in youth ministry and leadership training ( I say this in the broad sense of the definition in that any ministry that involves nurturing the faith of young people is a form of leadership training, as they are the leaders of tomorrow.) his words project a little light onto this disco ball image in my head, illuminating another tiny glass square in the globe shaped Mosaic.
He is sharing about his experiences in Argentina - where he and his family ( he has the most beautiful wife and baby daughter Pilar who, at 8 months old, is the only noise to interject her daddies captivating narrative, demanding his and everybody else´s attention) have come from. Her baby talk does not detract from the intensity of the story - if anything it is a innocent reminder of how real this revolution is. You see Pedro and Analía are ordinary (not in the mundane boring sense of the world - far from it, they are young, stunning and overly generous) but rather I mean they are a young couple who work hard and have a young family. However, the generosity Analiá showed us when Soul Touch landed on her door step and now hearing of their commitment to the youth and to the church (worldwide) shows how God is using them extraordinarily.
Pedro´s story skips from country to country almost as much as Soul Touch does. He describes youth, youth pastors and youth initiatives: materials used and the people involved in sharing the gospel with young people in Europe and South America. Although geographically the area he talks about is huge they become surprisingly small as he effortlessly describes how they are all connected through people within the church (stay global!).
As we chat we share stories of friends we share in Argentina and he concludes, putting Pilar to bed, ¨You´ve been given a gift from God¨. He´s referring to our journey around the world; the opportunity and privilege we have to see God at work throughout the nations. He is exactly right. W e´ve been given a gift - something we never ever want to take for granted; something we can enjoy. But as he says it I´m reminded of how freely I received this gift (¨Freely you have received, freely give.¨ Mathew 10:8) and as a consequence of this statement I´m challenged: what can I give?
Because of this gift Lorna and I have had the opportunity to see more of the squares on the disco ball than most. I´m assuming you grasped the image by now. A disco ball is made up of thousands - maybe hundreds depending on the size of the party - of little glass squares, like a Mosaic. When the disco lights shine they reflect off the glass and it is so bright everyone at the party sees it.
Now imagine the disco ball is the world. God has a holistic view of it. When he shines (pours favour upon) on a person or a church community we reflect his glory for people to see. Until now only the people near that particular light have seen it (¨Let your light shine before men, that they may see of your good works and praise your father in heaven.¨ Mathew 5:6). We believe now is the time that God has chosen for the nations to share in the good works and whats more we have the means to do it; the Internet and travel have never been so accessible.
Secondly, the disco ball is made up of tiny squares that reflect the light - it isn´t a giant piece of glass. Similarly the church its fragmented into little bits. However, like any Mosaic - each piece fits together - they are joined and without one the picture is incomplete. On a disco ball if the light shines and the glass square is missing nothing reflects back, only darkness glares.
Similarly with the church - each part is connected regardless of denomination, language spoken or even distance between them. If one part is missing God cannot reflect off of us and so no light is seen.
Just as Paul describes (1 Cor 12) the church is a body made of many parts. If one part is not working properly the whole body is effected (1Cor 12:12-31). I assume he used this analogy simply because disco balls had not been invented. Paul stresses the point that: ¨the eye cannot say to the hand, Ï don´t need you!¨(verse 21) In fact he goes as far as to illustrate the importance of each member and how God intentionally ¨combined¨ them to be of equal importance despite their different purposes (v 27-31). In short they rely on each other; they need each other.
Just like the girl who created the disco ball ( I imagine it was a she and a total diva!) made it so that the whole room would be lit up and the dance floor would be a blaze of reflecting lights for all of the people to enjoy the party together! So God intended us (the church) to be connected - though fragmented physically because of oceans, mountains and even Sunday morning traffic - spiritually we must get together (1Cor 1:2) in order that his power is reflected (1Cor 2:4)
Each place we visit we see God reflecting off little pieces of the church. More exciting than the light however is seeing the way in which these little lights are all connected. And so my hearts prayer is for two things:
Firstly that we´d always work together to support the parts not yet shinning, supporting with a spirit of gentleness and valuing one an-others participation in seeing this thing ( the bride, the temple) completed.
And secondly that we- Lorna and I- would be able to share this gift with you as freely as we have received it.
Lastly we must thank all of those at San Andrés and now here in Sau Paulo for allowing us to physically see how you are shinning so brightly for God. We´re connected to you, which means we need you in moments our lights begin to fade but also because God sometimes just needs you to know how awesomely you´re reflecting his good works!
Love in abundance Erica
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