Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wallace High School WoW the world!

Wallace High School Soul Touchers you amaze me! What a wonderfully productive day we had yesterday, you all worked so hard to make progress on the Water Challenge and everyone is commenting already on how professional and enthusiastic you all have been.

I would personally like to thank all of my team, especially the seniors who have been helping put everything together! We couldn’t do this without you.

Anyway lots still to do. This is just the beginning of amazing things to come. Have a great day and remember you really are changing lives.

It is a privilege to be part of all this with you. Go for it: BE THE CHANGE!

Lots of thanks and oodles of excitement Miss B x

ps we have our India link up with Lilias and the guys at 12 noon so make sure you have all your questions ready and you are looking smart! x


Lilias said...

Hi guys

Just trying to get India on line and ready to go at 12noon. Now is your change to ask anything of them. Pastor Raj is trying to get some young people there also.


Anonymous said...

Good morning Wallace High school.

You are amazing each and every one of you. It is incredible what you have achieved already this week. You are showing that you have a whole range of skills and are putting them to good use. Creativity, IT, organisational, communication and team building skills to name just a few and you are going to make such a difference to so many people, young and old.

It is exciting for me to follow your journey. Keep up the good work and continue to be inspirational.

Be the best you can be.

From Kate (Miss Bonnar's mum)

rosemarie dudgeon miss bonnor:s pupil said...

thankyou kate you have really enspired us to keep following our dreams and fund rais £10,000 for the 2 orphanages in uganda.

so we can help them get a good education and good food and homes to live with a new family so that they can leave the orphanage and do what the have always dreamed of doing

thankyou so much for all your encoragement for us to do this.
we possibly could not have done this with out you raelly lovley daughter miss bonnor

Carlie Campbell said...

Hi guys,

Today has been such an inspirational day. First, we get all our letters sent out to the other schools to ask them about participating in our Water Challenge. Then, we have a video call with Lilias in Bo'ness and Paul from India. It was so encouraging and made us remember how great it is to be helping all these people.

Thankyou Lilias and Paul,

Carlie xx