Saturday, October 13, 2007

Fun In Israel

Ha if we're never famous for anything else we will be for causing chaos in Israel I'm sure. Few wee memories we want to share with ya! We love Israel! It's stunning, peaceful and safe, contrary to what we are told at home! I think they do that so no-one comes here and they have all this to themselves!
First night here and Lorna and I decided to go for something to eat. While we were innocently enjoying the tranquillity of the sea front, the sound of the waves and lack of mosquito's (although we have found that the men can be just as irritating!) suddenly the restaurant burst into song; it was obviously someones birthday. It looked so much fun, sparklers and all.
"Ah it's my birthday too!" I joked (no I didn't lie dad it was supposed to be a joke. A very obvious one I thought).
Next thing I knew I was in the air! Seriously I was surrounded by waiters, equipped with tambourines and sparklers who proceeded to bounce me up and down (and up and down and wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwup again) in the air, despite my screaming; if anything it seemed to encourage them. As for Miss Main the excitement was all too much for her; she was speechless. Ahh well I guess it's true what they say: God brings good out of every situation!

Fame? Yes Lorna and I were seemingly on Israeli television yesterday. We were filmed on the beach. 'N' no it wasn't a whale sighting documentary Roy before you ask! We were just walking but they didn't ask permission. I'm sure we can sue for Royalties or something though. Do they not know who we are!?

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