Monday, October 15, 2007

Holocust Museum

What's New?
So what's different?
Have we moved on?

I really don't want to appear a typically hysterical, or heaven forbid, soppy female. I don't even want to write my emotions; my feelings on this subject are really irrelevant. In fact they're so muddled at the moment that they would only confuse you anyway.
What I want to write is something of what I have just seen and heard: images; words and feelings of people being persecuted; tortured; displaced; humiliated.
Although I cried and yes my heart broke the sensation of hopelessness and pain I felt as I walked around the museum is not a new one for me. These images were in black and white because the atrocities against the Jews happened in the past, many years ago. But the images really reflected what is going on right now.
You see the starving children on the streets of Europe may look different: the faces of the Jews were not black; their noses are long and straight, not flat, and their lips thin. But really the colour of their skin is not relevant either. The pictures in the museum are not unlike the ones we took only weeks ago in Africa. They are all displaced. People are still being humiliated under cruel dictatorship. What struck me most in the museum was that there was a section dedicated to a particular ship. A ship that was once full of Jewish refugees. They tried to enter several countries, including America and Britain, but nobody wanted them. So they just floated not knowing their fate. These people were completed displaced and rejected while the rest of the world refused to take any responsibility for them. So what's new? Nothing?
A different place maybe: Gulu? The children have different coloured skin. The torture instruments being used are different. our generation, the one you and I belong to; the one reading this now, are we going to refuse responsibility? Are we going to be displayed in a museum in fifty years time, described as neglectful? I don't want to be. I don't want my name displayed there; do you?

Start right now by praying that you can used to help the people in Gulu.

God bless, the Soul Touchers

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