Thursday, October 18, 2007

Where´s Jesus At?!...

Hey Soul Touch groupies! Now that Israel is back in the sunset and that India is on the horizan i would like to let you in on some of the experiences that i had in Israel. I knew that God had called me and Erica to go to Israel, it was the big one that God had boomed on our confused but willing hearts.

Everytime i thought of Israel I just saw the images of tanks, bombs, angry and terrified people! It seemed when we booked the trip to Israel, these images seemed to appear more and more in my face, nice one! I cry when i hear a balloon burst so i was asking God for that armour he asks us to wear, but to give me a double, double plated one!

First experience in Israel was the airport. My first thoughts were - 'Quick, Lorna, take off your shoes - your going to make the floor dirty.' It was a grand sparkling, shiny, shiny, shiny airport. When we went to the toilets i spent about 30 seconds just admiring the toilet seat and wait for it...there was a flush! It was such a difference to the whole in the ground, infested with big fat African flies that I'm sure have a laugh at landing on your face in such private moments. It almost brought a tear to my eye to know that it was just me and the toilet, the prettiest toilet i had ever seen. I really feel that this is going to break into a love story. I knew that Erica had felt the same way when she came out the toilet with a smile so big i could see her back molars.

Moving on from the toilet chat, I loved everything about Israel. There was no war, no rubble, yeah we seen soldiers with guns but my 2 day unbrushed hair looked scarier than them!. I thanked God for everything there which included the beach, the bathroom next to my hotel bed, my new shower towel every day and my morning ice coffee x 100.

But really, me and Erica felt weird. It's kinda daunting when you know that you have been called to a place, yet there wasn't a mission set out for us. I caught myself looking up into the skies or looking out to the sea to see if God was going to bring a miracle sign to me! But no angels or walking on water Jesus in sight I realised that i should just exhale and know that God just wanted us to relax in His glory...with an ice coffee in my hand.

" Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and i will give you rest" ( Matt:11:28)

It was exactly what we needed straight after our work that we had done in Africa. Erica couldn't even sleep her pretty head down at nights because she was so excited at the rest on the beach the next day!

God did reveal himself in a big way when we were in Israel. During our stay we booked a couple of biblical tours. On our tour to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher our bus parked on the side of Mount Zion. I don't know why i was expecting it to look like a volcano, but it was just a ordinary hill! I knew then that this visit was going to bring me into the bible's realism. I was standing on the hill where Moses met God, i was at the Hill of Calvary where Jesus was crucified and buried and i was at the wailing wall saying my prayers. There was no dancing angels or holy lights flashing but God reminded me that Jesus was put on the same earth as me, living a life just like mine. He didn't get any special treatment - he was persecuted, treated worse because he loved us more.

I saw many people at these places crying and mourning for Jesus. At the entrance of the tomb where Jesus was buried, Dave - our tour guide, came over to us and pointed to the sky. He said, " This was where Jesus was lifted up into the Heavens!"

I looked up and felt my knees go weak. Its hard to describe how a ceiling painting made me feel but one of the emotions I felt was joy! I went into the tomb with a smile on my face and came out with a bigger smile! Nope i definately didn't find him in the tomb, I didn't find him on the cross and I didn't find him in the courtyard. I found him in my heart.

John 14v18
"When I go, you will not be left alone; i will come back to you 19, In a little while the world will see me no more, but you will see me; and because i live you also will live. 20 When that day comes, you will know that I am in my Father and that you are in me, just as i am in you."

It doesn't matter where you go in the earth, whether it be the slums in Africa, The Church of the Holy Sepulcher or even your cosy bed, if you search for Jesus in your heart you will find him with you. He's asking you to ask, seek and knock and all things will be given to you that you need (Luke 11: 9-13) It may have been the 112th time that you read that passage or the 1st time but i think it is important to highlight that there is no limitation of what God can do for your life...note that he says 'For everyone who asks'. Thats you he is talking to. And if your not knocking at his door then he's knocking at your's!

"Listen! I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, i will come in and eat with them and they will eat with me."

God is never far away from us, infact he's never away from us. You don't have to go Jesus hunting in Israel, he comes to visit you! But i am glad i visited Jesus' hometown, met his neighbours and visited his local breadshop. It really did step me into the bible.

You will be reading soon about our experience of being deported from India to Sri Lanka! me and Erica gatecrashed India without a party pass also know as a little thing called a Visa. It is one of my biggest testimonies by far and i hope that you enjoy reading Erica's story on what happened.

Now we are waiting for our flight to India tomorrow. We will be entering their country!There's no stopping the Soul Touchers....except when we don't have Visa's.

Big hugs and another Lorna xx

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